Friday, October 07, 2005

Underslung Pinapple launchers???

How about making your marker fully automatic.
or just make it look like one.

Now ask yourself:
Are underslung pinapple launcers just a dream?
Aparently NOT!

Holy crap these peeps are bloody crazy! :) Just like me.
With all this loot to buy I think I will have a birthday twice a year.

Ok well its a short one
Sleep tight (if you dare)


Adam Fisher / fisher king said...

ok. you HAVE to go for the m16a1 form. take my word for it, it's an EXTREMELY comfortable weapon both to carry, and to fire. there's a reason our snipers are happy to "settle" for converted m16s.

and i can't BELIEVE you bastards thought i was kidding about the paint-grenades! i don't just make this stuff up, alright? i'm a frustrated paintball freak because we're FORBIDDEN to own ANY form of weapon... including bb guns. and all i want to do is run urban-paintball games. dammit, there are HUNDREDS of perfect abandoned apartment buildings in tel aviv, running a night game in a REAL city environment is unbeatable!!!

if NOTHING else, i want to do it in cape town in december. what better way to spend christmas? red and white teams, red team using red balls only and white white. you can't tell me that's not pure entertainment. i should get paid for my ideas.

ork_khrist said...

babyacid playing.... hmmmlets see...
O_K: So how did they get you?
BA: Nah accedental self inflected injury.
O_K: Shit man where did you shoot yourself?
BA: DUDE! I play it safe! I was way to close to myself so I yelled "FREEZE!!!"