Monday, September 19, 2005

Please be a problem we have a patient

Due to personal difficulties this service has been temporarily suspended.
We hope to resume regular programming soon.

For those of you unfortunate enough to actually know what the hell is potting:
Thank you guys! The support and caring has been great.


Anonymous said...

Well, I have no idea what is going on (being 1400km away does that to you), but I would like to ofer you any help I can.

Hang in there buddy!

Bast said...

I'm here for you though, even though I will shortly be in PE, if you need to talk I have lots of free minutes on the weekend :)

Adam Fisher / fisher king said...

hey bro - i have no clue what's potting, but here's some virtual support from this side. if you need to use the tank, lemme know.

Hila said...

*hugs tight* Whenever you need to repeat the chat we had before (and when i say repeat i dont mean read the logs out but a repeat occasion with diffrent content) just give me a shout :)